You probably have done your research, read customer reviews, and finally found the ideal roofing contractor for your roofing project. However, that is only half the battle. 

Just because you’ve found the right roofer does not mean you’re done with the project. One thing you still have to consider is when you should pay your roofing contractor. Should you pay upfront? Do you have to pay in installments?  

Today, we’re going to share with you some tips on how to pay your roofing contractor for your roof repair NJ project. 

When Should You Pay Off the Project? 

The payment plan needs to benefit both you and the roofing contractor. To help cover the cost of materials, the roofer needs to get paid a deposit upfront.  

Then, you will have to wait to pay off the final amount until after the project is done. This is to guarantee that the roofer finished the project properly.  

Think About Payment Insurance 

You may think about buying separate payment insurance if you want to protect your new roofing project investment. Doing so will help you recover lost costs if the roofing contractor leaves the project midway through after getting your deposit.  

How Much Should You Pay for the Down Payment? 

Usually, a roofing contractor will charge 15% to 30% of a project upfront. However, you might have to pay up to 1/3 of the overall cost of the project in the beginning for bigger projects, such as replacing the roof.  

Reliable roofing contractors will not ask you for more than that. In addition to that, you have to make these payments via a credit or debit card or a check. The reason for this is that these types of payments can be traced.  

Installment Payments 

Though it is not common practice for roofing projects, paying in installments can also be possible. However, you will have to talk about this option with the contractor. The reason for this is that some roofers might not accept payment in installments.  

When you choose a timeline for payments, you’ll have to include this in the contract to hold both you and the roofer accountable.  

When Should You Pay a Roofer? 

A roofer will usually ask for a deposit. As mentioned earlier, it can range from 10-30% of the overall cost. You’ll have to pay the deposit before the project starts. Once the job is done, you will have to pay for the rest of the project.  

You and the roofing contractor need to outline the details of the payment in a contract. This will help protect you and the contractor.  

Should You Pay Upfront? 

You probably need to find another roofing contractor if the roofer asks you to pay in full before the project starts. Reliable roofing contractors will not ask for money before they begin the project.  

Here are several things to consider: 

  • To protect both you and the contractor, have a contract in place. 
  • It’s standard to pay a deposit. 
  • Be particularly careful of roofers that demand a complete payment in cash before the project starts.  
  • Do not pay for the project upfront.